The GRE is perhaps the most widely used graduate exam, as about 3200 graduate schools require it. For those who are hoping to gain entrance into a law school or MBA program, they are usually required to take the GMAT, which stands for Graduate Management Admission Test; and more than 258 thousand students took the GMAT during 2011. While most students spend months studying for the GRE and GMAT with the aid of various preparation manuals, a GRE prep course or Gmat prep course can offer them focused advice on test taking strategies, and developing good test taking habits.
A GMAT or GRE prep course is usually well worth the time, money and effort for graduate applicants, especially when one considers the cost of the GRE and GMAT. An applicant must pay 160 dollars to take the GRE, and 250 dollars for the GMAT. While one may take the GRE up to five times during any calendar year, it is the best interest of their bank accounts to score as high as possible the first time. Fortunately, a GRE course or GMAT course is easily accessible in areas all over the United States. For Canadian residents, a GMAT course Toronto or Gre course toronto is offered frequently. A GRE prep course can help prospective graduate students to attain the scores that will help them gain entrance into first tier schools, rather than settling for second or third rate programs. Therefore, enrolling in a GRE prep course is worth the effort for those who dream of getting into the top programs and obtaining scholarships.