If you are looking for hotels Rochester NY, it might be interesting to learn a few facts on the history of hotels. Like the fact that some hotels in the world are made out of salt and ice, and noting but salt and ice. The oldest hotel in the world was the one founded in 718 in Ishikawa Prefecture, called the Hoshi Ryokan. Many other hotels in the world have interesting historical facts associated with them.
Rochester is a city of historical significance and some interesting facts too. Rochester just happened to be the city where Frederick Douglass and Susan B. Anthony once lived. These two historical figures were activists in the abolition movement and the women’s suffrage movement. When you stay is some of the old hotels Rochester NY you will hear all about them and all about other fun facts about Rochester.
Theft from hotels is something we should all be concerned about too, because theft contributes to the cost of hotel rooms. For instance, according to a survey done by Caterer and Hotelkeeper Magazine, a medieval sword, a four foot bear made out of wood and door hinges, have been taken out of hotels in Britain. Thefts in hotels in the U.S. have also taken place. Some of the things people steal from hotels are strange items to take. Take the case of the missing air conditioner that weighed over 300 pounds for example. Or the fact that people have also taken huge desks, copy machines, and even sliding glass doors out of hotels. It is just crazy what some people can think of to steal from Rochester hotels.
If you are going to stay in a hotel in rochester you should do some research on hotels Rochester NY first. Going online and looking up the different hotels Rochester NY is always advisable. There are some fantastic luxury hotels to stay in when you come to visit Rochester. Also, keep in mind that one solution for making accommodations for out of town guests if you live in Rochester is to rent a hotel room for them in one of the best hotels in town. Find out more by looking up hotels in Rochester NY online. Check out this site for more: www.strathallan.com