Many of the special education schools NJ has are autism schools NJ state tax payers pay for as part of their education tax. Schools for children with learning disabilities have always been part of the special education schools nj programs that exist. There is no disputing that we needs to have schools for special needs in NJ, or else we will have special education school NJ students in public schools where they cannot get the extra attention and help that they need in order to thrive and achieve. Some people may wonder why we need to have separate schools for learning disabilities, but time has shown that in New Jersey, it is the interest of all involved that special education school NJ students have their own safe space to go to in order to get the attention that they need. A special needs school NJ has a lot of one on one time that they can give to their students and it also prevents students who have special needs the opportunity to avoid the teasing and taunting that goes on in public schools by students who do not have special needs.