The Occupational Health and Safety Administration, which is also known as OSHA, conducts confined space training. They define a confined space as one that has limited means in which toxic or flammable contaminants can quickly and easily accumulate. They also include oxygen deficient atmospheres. These confined spaces include storage tanks, process vessels, bins, boilers, ventilation or exhaust ducts, sewers, underground utility vaults, tunnels pipelines and open top spaces that are more than 4 feet in depth. These open top spaces include pits, tubs, vaults and vessels. There are other types of confined spaces as well. OSHA believes that anyone who works in or around one of these atmospheres should be properly trained to do so. Of course, OSHA is deeply concerned about any type of work environment that may easily be deemed to be unsafe. As such, you should know that OSHA also offers lock out tag out training and lockout tagout programs too. They also have lock out tag out kits and lock out tag out software available for you to use. If you need OSHA lockout tagout training on any of these, it’s also available as well.