A Hunting Lodge is going to very busy due to the high desire to go hunting. While many people do not partake, we find that hunting is one of the oldest known activities that man has partaken in. In the beginning, it is said that men traveled in groups to hunt mammoth. Usually they would chase it off a cliff using a combination of spears and large rocks! Imagine a hunting lodge with trophy mule deer huntings like this one! It seems that the human race has always partaken in hunting vacations of sorts!
Perhaps some of the one hundred and forty thousand applicants in New Mexico who want hunt ‘big game’ will be deterred when they are looking for the infamous black bears during their black bear hunting guides. This is so because unlike their name suggests, many ‘black bears’ are brown, white, blonde, tan, or even chestnut fur colored.
The hunting lodge as well as big game hunts advisors will let people in on the hibernation of black bears. The black bears will usually put on about thirty pounds of body fat to help them get through their hibernation. They do this because they go into their den in October or November as the fall season begins to cool down in order to avoid the cold. They return three to five months later. All hunting ranches as well as the hunting lodge that the hunter stays at should inform potential hunters of this, as it could infringe on their plans to catch a black bear.
Bears are other furry animals are not the only animals that people hunt for sport on a hunting lodge. Many also hunt turkeys. What many do not know is that the male turkey goes by a different name, should one be in America or Europe. In America, they are referred to as ‘Tom’ while in Europe they are called ‘Stag’. Many turkeys only live an average of ten years, making it important that the hunter get to the hunting lodge soon!